Everyone at Pitsford knows the importance of good communication with parents.
Reporting to parents is key and every half term grades are issued. Every year parents receive a full report, an interim report and a Parents’ Evening which provides meaningful and impactful feedback.
In the Junior School, the Junior Head also has weekly drop-in sessions, and we have a very active PTA. Parents are sent two pupil reviews and one full report each year, as well as information shared during two Parents’ Evenings.
Our termly publication The Pitsford Post contains all the notable events and achievements of students within the School from that term and is sent home as a hard copy to keep and peruse at your leisure.
Parents are encouraged to contact us in person, by phone, email or letter. In addition, our parent portal Firefly allows parents to track homework, behaviour and the school calendar. Pitsford School appreciates that we are here to offer your child a first class education and so we send out Parents and Pupil Surveys on a regular basis to ensure that we are meeting your expectations.