Fostering a Competitive and Collegiate Spirit
In addition to being the backbone of the pastoral care structure in the Senior School, the house system supports healthy competition through a number of events, where pupils have the opportunity to contribute points to their house. Academic, Sporting and Cultural achievements are celebrated in this way. The House Cup is awarded at Speech Day. Our houses are Wake, Hesketh and Robinson.
This vibrant aspect of school life includes a number of events each year which run on a House basis and the aim is to provide a platform for every kind of talent to flourish! There is also a significant opportunity for members of the houses to develop their leadership and organisational capabilities.
- Rugby
- Cricket
- Netball
- Athletics (Sports Day)
- Tennis
- Rounders
- Pancake Race
- Christmas Card Competition
- Music (Individual and Group)
- Singing (Solo and Group)
- Debating (Junior and Senior)
- General Knowledge Quiz
- The Pitsford Run
- Talent show
- The Pitsford Fringe Festival
- House Picnics
- The Pitsford Cube
- Flash Fiction
Points gained as a result of these competitions are awarded as follows: 100, 60 and 30 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. The points are accrued throughout the year, with the House cup being presented to the captain of the winning house on Speech day.
In addition to the points allocated for the above competitions, we include points earned from reviews. Information relating to House events and current positions is regularly put in the Pitsford Post, on Firefly and also pinned onto the House notice board outside room 7. Our competitions are always keenly contested and first place is seriously coveted….
Pupil Voice
The Houses also act as mini constituencies in the school. Each tutor group elects a representative who collects opinions and ideas of their group and meets at regular intervals with their house captain, SSMG rep, and the representatives of each year group.
The SSMG Rep (Senior School Management Group) is a Lower Sixth Former and Assistant to the House Captain. He or she sits on the SSMG committee, along with the Deputy Head, Head of Sixth and two other teachers to take decisions that affect everyday school life.